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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Vaccs, Masks, and Mandates!

To mask or not to mask! To vaccinate or not to vaccinate. These are the questions. And they should be the questions for every citizen in the United States of America, NOT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT!.
Does anyone other than me see a disparity between a free society, that we (the United States of America) like to tour to the world, and a society where the government can MAKE you put a substance in your body that you may or may not trust?

When you look at the evidence concerning the COVID-19 vaccinations, it seems that there is just about as much evidence that supports not getting the vaccine as there is to get the vaccine. There are documented cases of people spreading the virus after being fully vaccinated, people dying from the virus after being fully vaccinated, and the Health Director stated that over 90% of the people in the hospital with the virus in Israel are fully vaccinated. I bought this fact up to a friend the other day and he said "This isn't Israel". I guess nobody told him that Israel isn't a different planet, just a different country with the same social environment as the USA. The people in Israel go shopping, go to restaurants, and work jobs just like we do here in the USA. So, the contamination model in Israel is about the same as that in the USA. Now after having written this, think about that figure, 90% of the people in the hospital with COVID-19 in Israel have been fully vaccinated. So, there is at least some evidence that would make one wonder about the effectiveness of the vaccines.

There are also well documented risks to taking the vaccines, from blood clots to arthritis to risks for women that are pregnant. One of the reasons for this that all of the vaccines are experimental. The vaccines have not had a PROPER testing period with the FDA which normally takes between five and ten years. We are still unsure of all of the side effects of the vaccines.

But let's just say that there is more evidence to support taking the vaccines, than not. Let's say that there is no evidence to support not taking the vaccines. Wouldn't you still want the choice? Wouldn't you still want to know in our alleged free society, the government could not make you put a foreign substance in your body? And so, I think that it is fair to assume that the government could institute a better strategy than trying to force the citizenry or coerce the citizenry to take the vaccines. As a matter of fact I think it is probably a safe bet that if the government makes the citizenry feel like it has an unconditional choice more people would get vaccinated.

The masking mandates is not really something that requires the same level of consideration as vaccinations. I still believe that we should have the choice, however masking is a minor inconvenience. I do believe that parents have a right to be upset over schools mandating their children wearing masks, and those parents have a right to vigorously protest.

So, what precautions should you be taking? Well these mandates are going to be tough to oppose, if the government steps up its efforts to enforce them.

(1) Carry a mask with you when you go out. Just put a disposable one in your purse, wallet or back pocket. You don't have to wear it, but keep it with you just in case you need it to access certain businesses.

(2) Find out which grocery stores in your area will deliver (Walmart, HyVee, etc.) There may come a time when you can't enter a grocery store without proof of vaccination. 

(3) Invest in a large deep freezer, and try to stock it with food, and your pantry with canned items.

(4) Look at joining or organizing a union where you work, there is real power in the ability to completely shut down a business with a mass walk-off, that is trying to force you to take the vaccine by giving you an ultimatum. 

(5) If someone comes to your home to try to coerce you into taking the vaccine politely tell them you are not interested and then simply close your door and ignore them. Organize a neighborhood watch that will bring your neighbors out and have your neighbors politely ask them to leave the neighborhood, if your neighborhood supports this.

And if you want to take the vaccine, then please by all means do. That is your choice. Get it? Your choice...

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