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StatCounter For Prepare For Tomorrow Blog
Thursday, May 16, 2024
A New Kid In Town
Friday, December 31, 2021
RMRI, LLC. Free Search Database Links.
RMRI, LLC. wants to provide some useful links to help you do some of your own investigative work or just to look up various types of information. We Would like for you to have the tools to do your own search with. If you can't find what you are looking for, we are only a phone call away: (573) 234-4871.
Please Enjoy the links.
David Gray People Search:
Zaba Search:
PeekYou Search:
XLek Search:
Radaris Search:
Free People Search:
True People Search:
Yasni People Search:
Cluster Map Search:
Public Data Digger Search:
Caller Listings:
Fagan Finder:
Carrot 2:
All The Internet:
Local Business Database:
Little Sis Database:
Open Secrets:
Zero Hedge:
Missouri S,O,S,:
Business Insider:
Canadian Company Search:
Social Engineering Portal:
Intelligent X:
Grep Search:
EMail Lookup:
W3 Snoop:
Central Ops:
EMail Header Analyzer:
IP Tracker:
IP Tracer:
Risk IQ:
RipOff Report:
N.C. Criminal Searches:
Missouri CaseNet:
National Sex Offender List:
CIA Case Officer Look Up:
Organized Crime And Corruption Project:
Land Matrix:
A World Of Terror:
Real Estate Navigator:
Happy Hunting!
Friday, October 1, 2021
Just Look At Your Federal Judges!
Monday, August 23, 2021
One Day They Will Come!
Does anyone reading this blog ever worry about "run-ins" with Law Enforcement? I know, I know, the answer to that question from some people that are better than everybody else is "Well no, I never have any problems with Law Enforcement, because they are always right, beyond reproach, and so am I". These are the disillusioned, that will be the first to cry the loudest if they ever feel like their own personal interests were not put first by Law Enforcement. Frankly, they annoy me.
My best friend got a traffic cam ticket in Nevada, and he was in Alabama at the date and time of the ticket. Well, I KNOW he was not lying or making this up, beside the fact that he had the receipt from the hotel he was staying in while he was in Alabama with the date and time stamp on it, he is a Vietnam Vet, that was with Marine Force Recon, then SEAL Team Detachment Echo, then MACVSOG (a C.I.A. sponsored program in Vietnam), and then retired from the Marines and became the Commissioner of Public Safety in the Marshall Islands, and then went to work for Air Scan (a top secret government contractor). The man simply does not lie, because he does not have to lie about anything. So, the government (i.e. Law Enforcement) does make mistakes, and does NOT like to admit it. If Law Enforcement can "make" you wrong or "dirty you up", then you will just be wrong and dirty. Because the alternative may cost the local government a substantial amount of money, which may cost a Law Enforcement Officer their job.
We are seeing more and more that Police Officers have a cross section of personnel in their ranks that are bigger criminals than the criminals they are arresting, I mean Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder, doesn't get much higher on the crime scale than that, does it?
Now some people will say that I am "against Law Enforcement", they will label me as some sort of "activist". And they would be dead wrong, but it is easy and convenient to say when they fit into that class of people I mentioned in the first paragraph of this post, so let's let them have the easy way out. The fact is, that most Law Enforcement Officers are good people that just want to contribute to their community, and they already know that they have a thankless job, and it's going to be "damned if they do, and damned if they don't" for them no matter what decisions they make, and they are of such good character that they are willing to pay that price just to contribute to their communities. They are not the ones to worry about, although they are always in a terrible position when it comes to protecting the citizenry from the ones you DO have to worry about. They have to be a part of the "blue wall" or be miserable in their job.
So, what I want to give you here is some resources and tips for dealing with those Law Enforcement Officers that you DO have to worry about.
(1) Carry a cell phone with you that has an audio and video recorder on it that you can easily access. There is no expectation of privacy in a public place, you can record whatever you want as long as you are in a public place. Law Enforcement Officers are NOT sacred, contrary to popular belief. If you can record audio without the other party knowing and you are in a public place, all the better.
(2) Always be polite when dealing with a Law Enforcement Officer, address them properly "Officer and name that is on their nametag. Make sure you look at and remember their badge number, but you don't have to ask them for it, it is right on their badge. Say "yes sir, no sir, please and thank you", don't cuss or raise your voice or be sarcastic. Treat the Officer with respect, he or she could be the one that may wind up getting hurt protecting you. Remember that.
(3) If the Law Enforcement Officer starts to question you, politely say "Officer with all due respect, I am not comfortable answering any questions without first consulting with an attorney". And maintain this posture throughout your dealings with the Law Enforcement Officer. It's not what you say that is going to keep you from getting into trouble, it is what you don't say that is going to get you out of trouble. Thousands of people are in jail right now simply because they didn't know when to shut up!
(4) If you are stopped while in your vehicle, keep your hands on the steering wheel, or if you are a passenger, put your hands on the dash. Before you are stopped, while in the process of pulling over, if you can get to your phone and push the record button on the audio recorder, do it. After the Officer questions you, if he or she says you are free to leave, IMMEDIATELY leave, don't break any speeding laws, just quickly exit the area. You may even ask the Officer if you are free to leave, if he stops questioning you.
(5) If you are being interviewed, don't accept food, drinks or cigarettes from the Officer, this is usually a ploy to gain a rapport with you, and make you feel a sense of guilt if you decide not to cooperate (i.e. answer questions, consent to a search, etc.)
(6) Keep things in context if you get stopped. If a Law Enforcement Officer stops you for speeding or having a tail light out, or some minor infraction, don't "go Perry Mason on him or her". Just tell the truth. Say, "yes Officer I know I was speeding, I have no excuse I was just in a hurry". That alone may get you out of a ticket. The one thing that is the most irritating to a Law Enforcement Officers is someone blatantly lying to them which makes them feel like the person so obviously lying to them is insulting their intelligence, they see this a hundred times a day, it is refreshing to them to find that one person that is going to be honest with them.
Below is a library of publications that will give you some general, overall skills in dealing with anyone in a confrontation, if you study these publications you will find our what Law Enforcement is looking for when they interview you, and how to win them over and gain a rapport with them:
LIBRARY: Well Being and Survival Library
Happy Reading!
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Did We Have An Election Or An Ejection?
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Encrypt Your Communications And Shred Your Business!
There are a lot of ways to invade a person's privacy these days. It used to be that this threat was not very prevalent, because only a select group of skilled people knew how to exploit personal privacy. Now the techniques for doing this are so public anyone can invade your privacy. As likely that your digital privacy has been compromised by a random person, is that it may have been compromised by your own government. If the government believes that you are a threat to its agenda, you may very well have had your communications compromised. You could have had your emails read, your phonecards listened to, and/or your IP Number tracked, and you would never know. So, from this point forward why not make it a little more difficult for ANYONE that might try to invade your privacy?
Below are some FREE tools to help you Encrypt your communications and keep your digital privacy, private!
(1) Proton Mail: Proton Mail is probably one of the best encrypted email programs out today. Proton Mail was developed in 2013 by scientists from the CERN Research Facility in Geneva, Switzerland, It provides end to end encryption, and gives you the encryption keys, so that even the people running Proton Mail can't read your email. The developers of Proton Mail worked very hard on laying emphasis on protecting your email privacy. You can open a FREE account with Proton Mail or you can pay a small monthly fee for upgraded versions of Proton Mail that has greater storage, and more options.
(2) Proton VPN: A VPN is a Virtual Private Network. A Virtual Private Network reroutes your Internet Traffic through a different server, thereby protecting your IP Number, which is unique to your computer. This is important, because one f the first steps to tracing your email or finding what sites you are browsing is to identify your IP number.
(3) Signal Messenger: Signal Messenger provides encrypted communications on your cell phone, It is peer reviewed, open source and FREE. It has been reviewed by many well respected privacy experts. It even encrypts your phone calls, if both communicating parties are using it.
(4) Intra: Intra provides DNS protection. It keeps your Domain Name Server from being attacked or manipulated, which is a common cause for not being able to reach certain websites. Often times entities that want to censor what sites you can view do this by manipulating your DNS. This is an Android application, so it works on Android Phones and Chromebooks.
As stated above there are many ways to invade a person's privacy, being that your garbage is one of those ways, invest in a shredder. Preferably a cross-cut or a micro-cut shredder. However, if you want to get by on the cheap, I'll instruct you how to make any shredder work. With the technology that is out today for reconstructing shredded documents, there is a way to shred documents to protect your privacy. First remember, you have to do more than expect the machine to do all of the work. So, below is a step by step guide on how to properly shred documents.
(1) Every shredder should have a plastic bag inside of the bucket to catch the shredded documents. Put a garbage bag inside of the shredder bucket.
(2) Buy some Elmer's Glue or Honey. Either one will do.
(3) When you are ready to empty your shredder bucket, take the bag out, spritz the inside of the bag where the shredded documents are with Elmer's Glue or honey, and shake the bag thoroughly. This will cause the shredded material to stick together, and make an all around mess for anyone trying to reconstruct your documents.
(4) Discard your bag inside one of the trash bags you are taking out to the curb!
The steps I provided above should keep your documents private.
It is a good idea to have your shredder in your office right beside your desk, so as you are reviewing your documents or working on replying to private documents, you can shred as you work. Shred liberally. If you have any doubt about whether or not a document contains private information when you're finished with it and getting ready to dispose of it, SHRED IT!
Friday, August 20, 2021
Are You Ready? Are You Ready?
A New Kid In Town
Well not really a new kid in town. When one considers did I have over 30 years in the bail bonding business 20 years in the priv...
Our Federal Judges are among the most corrupt, biased, unfair "scoundrels" in the United States. One of the problems is LIFETIME ...
There are a lot of ways to invade a person's privacy these days. It used to be that this threat was not very prevalent, because only a s...
RMRI, LLC. wants to provide some useful links to help you do some of your own investigative work or just to look up various types of info...